On Expectant Right of the Buyer in the Deal of Retained Ownership 论所有权保留买卖中保留买主之期待权
Some German scholars define such legal status as expectant right of the buyer in a retained ownership deal. 德国学者将这种法律地位定义为保留买主之期待权。
Based on the analysis, the writer tried concluding some suggestions to construct a whole suit of legal system for protecting the contract expectant right. 笔者对此进行了分析,并在此基础上分别提出了建构我国系统保护合同期待权制度体系的相关建议。
The first chapter is about the summary of expectant right and expectant right in retention of title. 文章第一部分为期待权与所有权保留中期待权概述。
Anticipatory breach of the Anglo-American law and unsafe right of plea against the advance performance of the Continental law, both of which are the legal institutions constructed for protecting the expectant right of contract, have not only the similar institution function but also the different structure character. 英美法的预期违约与大陆法的不安抗辩权同为保护合同期待权而构建的法律制度,二者有相似的制度功能,又有相异的制度构造特征。
The right of preemption is a kind of expectant right, which base on and come into being when the primary relation setup. 优先购买权是一种期待权,始于基础关系成立之时。
In an expectant right of property, the expectant right of the buyer in the retention of title system is the most important one and is discussed most in many countries, in addition, its system is relatively mature. 物权期待权以所有权保留买卖买受人的期待权为代表,在各国法律理论中讨论最多,制度相对较为成熟。
With the development of the society and the progress of the legal system, it is possible that there will be more kinds of expectant right in the future. 随着社会的发展和法律制度的演进,期待权的种类也有可能进一步增多。
Expectant right and right of recall is a balanced mechanism focusing on bilateral benefit. 期待权和取回权是所有权保留制度中巧妙设计的一个平衡双方利益的对抗机制。
Expectant right eliminates for the elimination of basic legal relationship, and elimination of the subject matter of the ownership, Re-transfer, accretion and other reasons. 期待权因基础法律关系的消灭、标的物所有权消灭、再让与、添附等原因而消灭。
According to having or not all the important conditions for the establishment of civil rights, civil rights can be divided into vested right and expectant right. 根据民事权利的成立要件是否具备,可以将民事权利分为期待权和既得权。
The first part discusses the general rules and theories of expectant right in retention of title. 第一部分为所有权保留之期待权的基本问题。
The chapter focuses on the aspects of expectant right, disposal action and setting up guarantee behavior of the buyer. 本章着重从买受人之期待权以及买受人对标的物的处分、设立担保行为等方面切入。
Likewise, the existence of the expectant right must have some values, such as safety, interest and efficiency. These values are regarded as the ground and aim of expectant right. 期待权的存在必然要求具有一定的价值,如安全价值、利益价值、效率价值等,这些也是期待权存在的根据和目的。
Basically, after being designed by related legal system, all kinds of expectant right can be transferred freely, only in this way, can the legislation shows the value and pursuit of it. 基本上所有的期待权类型经过相应的法律制度的设计,都应该被允许转让,这才符合设立期待权制度的目的和价值。
Because the character of each target right is different, it is difficult to make a definite decision for expectant right. Therefore we can only study this kind of right from a specific condition. 期待权的性质因为所指向的既得权的性质不同而难以下一个确定的结论,只能将其放在具体的期待权制度中去考察。
The conception of expectant right was firstly used in Germany. 期待权这一概念首先产生在德国。
Expectant right is a kind of right which contains a wish, that is to say, who has the right to get something. 期待权,简言之就是一种包含着期待的权利,即谁有权期待得到什么东西。
In the field of the expectant right of inheritance, there are three specific kinds of expectant right: the expectant interest of the heir before the start of succession, forced heirship system and the expectant right of the heir of succession in the second place. 继承期待权包括三种:继承开始前继承人的期待利益;继承中的特留份制度;后位继承人之期待权。
The right of dividend distribution as the fundamental right of shareholders belongs to expectant right, which can be protected by law. 股利分配请求权作为股东权的一项权能,属于期待权,是具有可诉性的。
Based on the theoretical researches and referring to the legal practices in our country, in order to make a deep development of our market economy, we should perfect the expectant right of all kinds in the background of the drawing up of the code of civil law. 我国应在理论研究基础上,积极结合中国的法律实践,借我国制定《民法典》的时机,对各类别的期待权制度进行完善,以利于市场经济的深入发展。
Among which abstract preemptive right is one kind of expectant rights; material preemptive right is one kind of formation rights. 其中抽象性优先认购权属期待权的一种,具体性优先认购权属形成权的一种。
The discussion about the expectant right of vendees in the sale of title retention started early abroad, and has already made numerous achievements and formed variety of theories. 国外关于所有权保留买卖中买受人的期待权的理论研究开始得很早,目前形成了各种不同的学说,理论成果相当丰富。
Abstract shareholders 'rights to dividend based on their qualification and status as shareholders is a type of power and functions of shareholder right, a type of intrinsic and expectant right. 抽象的股利分配请求权是股东基于其公司股东的资格和地位而享有的一种股东权权能,是一种固有权和期待权。
So we can see that the study on Expectations right theory is dominated by the expectant right of the buyer, and we can get some reference about the expectant right of the buyer form the study of Expectations right theory in Germany. 可以这么说,德国关于期待权理论的探讨主要是围绕保留买主期待权展开的,而关于保留买主期待权的理论研究又可以在期待权理论中得到参照。
An analysis on the relationship between the transfer of the expectant right to the ownership and the insurable interest provides the support for the feasibility of taking the expectant right as the judging standard for cargo insurable interest. 通过分析期待权在转化为所有权过程中与保险利益的关系,论证期待权作为海上货物保险利益判断标准的可行性。